Save the Date: Thursday 18th May 2023
Save the date: Institution and Induction of Fr David as Vicar: on Thursday 18th May at 7pm. The service will be followed by a reception...

Pub Club Sunday 14th May, 7.30pm & The Blythe Hill Tavern
Come and have a pint with Fr David! All are most welcome.

Table Sale, Saturday 15th April 10am-2pm
Table Sale: next Saturday 15th April from 10am to 2pm. Please come along and support us. You can hire a table for £10 or help sell goods...

Easter Songs of Praise! Sunday 16th April @ 6pm
The next Songs of Praise service will be next Sunday 16th April at 6pm. Do come along! If there is a particular hymn you'd like to sing...