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The Parish of St Saviour takes the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously.
Further information can be found here

Welcome to St Saviour's Church, Brockley Rise. St Saviour's is an inclusive church providing an active welcome and encouraging all to play their full part in the life of the church. We welcome you whether you are a long time church member, an occasional visitor, or someone who has never been to church before; whether you are confident in your faith in God, questioning or sceptical; whatever your age, education, ethnicity, background, gender identity, sexual identity, relationship status, physical or other needs. Please have a look around our website, or if you would like more information please contact us on


Sunday Eucharist: Our Sunday Eucharist will no longer be live-streamed from our Facebook page each week. We hope to resume live-streaming in the future. Service material can still be downloaded here:


Donate to St Saviour's Church:

If you'd like to donate to help the work of St Saviour's church then please click here.

Safeguarding At St Saviour's

The Parish of St Saviour takes the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously.
Further information can be found here.

Mission & Vision

Our Mission: to be a safe place of worship where all are actively welcomed, encouraged and equipped to explore and live out the Christian faith in every aspect of their lives. Together we should be a practical voice of love and truth within our Parish and the wider world.

Our Vision: to be growing in faith, inclusion, diversity, confidence participation, and numbers. To demonstrate God’s love for all, actively and visibly, through invitation, welcome, engagement of children, promotion of justice, and care of one another, the community and God’s planet we share.

Regular Services


Sunday: 10am
Parish Eucharist with Children's Activities

Tuesday-Saturday: 9:30am
Morning Prayer

Tuesday-Friday: 5:30pm
Evening Prayer

Thursday: 10:30am
Said Eucharist

- a statement of welcome and invitation.

Our church has a long-standing tradition of inclusion and welcome, which we believe reflects the love of God for all people. We therefore rejoice that the Church of England has finally agreed that prayers may be offered in worship for same-sex couples. At the same time, we recognise with sorrow that this change has taken so long to come about and those for whom it comes too late. We look forward to hopefully being allowed to hold dedicated services for same-sex couples in the future, and continue to pray and hope for the day when ministers of the Church of England will be able to conduct marriages of Same Sex couples. If you would like for your relationship to be celebrated in church, do please contact us to see what’s possible.

Fr David Vyvyan, Vicar on behalf of the PCC of St Saviour’s.
January 2024

“I first started attending St Saviour’s after my youngest child was baptised here. From the start I was made to feel very welcome.”

“We needed a church who would welcome same-sex partners and have found a welcome here.”

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