What's on at St Saviour's
Sunday 10am
Parish Eucharist with Children's Activities:
A Common Worship communion service with hymns and a sermon, followed by tea, coffee and biscuits.
Little Church takes place on the 1st Sunday of each month: special activities for under 5's and their carers.
Five times a year we have a Parade service with our uniformed organisations.
Thursday 10:30am
Said Eucharist:
A shorter said communion service with a brief homily.
Morning and Evening Prayer
Common Worship Morning and Evening Prayer are said in church most days.
Morning Prayer: 9:30am Tue - Sat
Evening Prayer: 5:30pm Tue - Fri
Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals
We are always happy to discuss how we can help with weddings, baptisms and funerals.
Please contact us by email savioursst@gmail.com or the Church Mobile 07930 429392,
or come to the church one Saturday morning between 10:00 and 11:00, when the church is usually open and the Priest-in-Charge or a church warden is available.