All Age Services at St Saviour's in 2022
Greetings all!
Tomorrow at 10am we will be having an All-age Eucharist and marking Racial Justice Sunday. This presents a special opportunity for the whole church family to come together to think about a hugely important and relevant aspect of the justice the gospel calls us to.
I am very aware that the pandemic has really diminished our welcome of children and young people. We are working hard to change this. As a first step we have reinstated our children's corner, which has been furnished with soft toys, small chairs, a table, paper and colouring pencils. We have also arranged to have paper copies of the "Look" worksheet for every Sunday. We are going to trial having an All Age service once per month. This will take a similar format to the Parade services we have with the uniformed organisations but will take place even when they are not available to join us. The dates for the rest of the year are:
13th February - Racial Justice Sunday
27th March - Mothering Sunday
10th April - Palm Sunday
8th May (Easter Season)
12th June - Trinity Sunday
10th July (Ordinary Time)
14th August (Ordinary Time)
11th September (Ordinary Time)
9th October - Harvest Festival
13th November - Remembrance Sunday
4th December - Toy Service
Please do let me, the wardens or a member of the PCC know if you have any ideas about our All Age Eucharists or Children's provision in general. We hope, later in the year, to consider re-establishing Little Church and/or Sunday School,
Every blessing,
Fr David.
